

Students and employees who have not shared with the University that they are fully vaccinated will be required to test weekly for COVID-19 throughout the fall semester.

来源:Patrick Mansell

宾州大学公园. ——免费mg不朽情缘试玩学生, faculty and staff who are not vaccinated for COVID-19 and those who have not shared with the University that they are fully vaccinated will be required to test weekly for COVID-19 throughout the fall semester, 或者直到他们告诉大学他们已经完全接种了疫苗. 对学生而言,这包括由大学保健处核实疫苗接种情况。. This testing applies to students taking in-person courses and employees working on campus; World Campus students who are fully remote and employees working fully remotely are exempt from the required testing.

Significant consequences are in place through the Office of Student Conduct and Human Resources for those who do not comply with the required testing, 直至并包括与大学分离.

Required testing for students st艺术 the week of August 23; the testing start for employees will be finalized next week and is planned to start soon after the student testing begins.  

大学继续大力鼓励学生, 教师和工作人员接种COVID-19疫苗和 尽快与大学分享他们的疫苗接种情况. 每个可以接种疫苗的人都应该尽快接种疫苗,以便在免费mg不朽情缘试玩所有校园实现高疫苗接种率.

大学公园分校、联邦校区和迪金森法学院的学生可以 透过“我的大学保健处”上载接种纪录,员工和世界校区的学生可以通过 Salesforce运行状况云.

“COVID-19疫苗在整个英联邦和我们校园附近都可以广泛使用, 接种疫苗是保护自己和社区的最有效方法,Kelly Wolgast说, COVID-19行动控制中心(COCC)主任. “对于那些选择不接种疫苗的人, 每周检测是帮助我们快速发现病例的重要工具, 预防病例聚集并减轻病毒传播. 现在开始接种疫苗还为时不晚, 一旦学生和雇员被认为完全接种疫苗,哪一项将免除他们的测试要求.”

在大学公园,被要求参加考试的学生将每周收到一封通知电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 还有关于如何在校园里安排考试预约的说明. Appointment confirmation emails will be sent to students when they schedule their appointment and will include information on how to reschedule appointments. Students are encouraged to make their appointment for testing as soon as possible after receiving the email in order to have the most options for test times.

测试呈阳性的学生将会 参考隔离 和大学的 接触者追踪 流程将被启动. 未接种疫苗的学生如果被确定为COVID-19检测呈阳性的个人的密切接触者,将被隔离. 接触者追踪工作人员将与所有确定为密切接触者的个人进行沟通, 不管他们的疫苗接种状况如何. 

需要参加考试的联邦校区和迪金森法学院的学生将收到每周的通知电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 并说明如何安排在校园内的考试预约或完成从Vault邮寄的COVID-19测试, 第三方供应商. 在上课的第一周, students should expect the testing email to arrive midweek and will have a defined period (based on how the tests are distributed) to complete the test. 在学期中, 测试邮件将在重复的基础上分发,详细说明测试完成的最后期限.

考试的类型——校内考试或邮寄考试——因校园而异,也取决于学生是住在校内还是校外. 必须测试的学生应按照测试邮件中的说明进行测试.

测试呈阳性的学生将会 参考隔离 和大学的 接触者追踪 流程将被启动. 未接种疫苗的学生如果被确定为COVID-19检测呈阳性的个人的密切接触者,将被隔离. 接触者追踪工作人员将与所有确定为密切接触者的个人进行沟通, 不管他们的疫苗接种状况如何. 

Students who fail to test by the weekly deadline will receive an email with a warning that the student will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and be placed under a 登记持有, 哪项规定禁止日后注册课程, 如果他们未能在规定的时间窗口内进行第二次测试.

在秋季学期第二次未能在规定时间内完成考试的学生将立即被列入a级 登记持有 并将被移交给学生行为.

在规定的考试时间内第三次未通过考试的学生,将被立即给予休学处分. The student’s instructors will be notified of the interim suspension and the student will not be permitted to enter any campus building or participate in any class, 大学的活动或项目, 包括免费mg不朽情缘试玩的橄榄球比赛. 除了, 被临时休学的住校学生必须搬出宿舍. The interim suspension will be lifted if the student gets tested; however, 学生行为审查程序将继续进行.

There will be additional accountability for students who continue to disregard their testing obligations after their third instance of noncompliance. 在正式的学生行为规范程序结束后, 该学生可能面临包括立即被学校停学在内的后果.

教师 and staff at 大学公园 who are working on campus and have not shared with the University that they are vaccinated for COVID-19 will receive a weekly email from (电子邮件保护). The email will notify them that they must get tested within the week and will include instructions on how to schedule a testing appointment on campus. Appointment confirmation emails will be sent to employees after they schedule their appointment and will include information on how to reschedule appointments. Employees are encouraged to make their appointment for testing as soon as possible after receiving the email to have the most options for test times.

Employees who test positive must enter isolation and will not be permitted to return to on-site work until they have completed an isolation period that meets 疾病控制和预防中心的指南. 预计covid -19阳性员工将使用应计病假, 假期或私人时间(如果有的话) or be placed on an unpaid leave status for the absence to cover any time off until they are released to return to work by Penn State 职业医学. Employees may work remotely during the isolation period (with approval from their manager) if their symptoms are mild and their position allows. 接触者追踪工作人员将与所有确定为密切接触者的个人进行沟通, 不管他们的疫苗接种状况如何. 教练, faculty members and researchers are expected to work with their academic unit leader to determine how to best cover their responsibilities if they test positive and enter an isolation period.


All required faculty and staff testing at Commonwealth Campuses and Dickinson Law will be conducted using mail-in COVID-19 test kits from Vault Health, 第三方供应商. 需要参加考试的教职员工每周都会收到一封来自 (电子邮件保护). The email will notify them that they must request and complete testing each week and will contain instructions on how to complete a Vault mail-in COVID-19 test. 电子邮件通知将定期发送,其中包含测试完成截止日期的详细信息.  

Employees who test positive must enter isolation and will not be permitted to return to on-site work until they have completed an isolation period that meets 疾病控制和预防中心的指南. 预计covid -19阳性员工将使用应计病假, 假期或私人时间(如果有的话), 或者被置于无薪休假状态,直到他们被免费mg不朽情缘试玩释放返回工作岗位 职业医学. The employee may work remotely during the isolation period (with approval from their manager) if their symptoms are mild and their position allows. 接触者追踪工作人员将与所有确定为密切接触者的个人进行沟通, 不管他们的疫苗接种状况如何. 教练, faculty members and researchers are expected to work with their academic unit leader to determine how to best cover their responsibilities if they test positive and enter an isolation period.


不履行检测义务的工作人员将受到制裁. Supervisors will be notified when a staff member fails to complete the weekly testing requirement and will first discuss the testing requirements with the employee. 继续无视检测要求的员工将被遣送回家,并被要求使用带薪假期或个人时间, 如果可用, 否则将被安排无薪休假,直到考试结束. 当员工返回现场工作时,将采取措施记录违规行为 HR78,员工未能达到可接受的绩效标准,并与所在单位的人力资源战略合作伙伴协商. 

在重复不合规行为的情况下,管理者应该讨论继续使用 HR78 与他们的人力资源战略合作伙伴协商,这可能导致解雇该员工.  

一个单独的 合规和制裁流程 对于不遵守要求的教师、研究人员和教职员工是否有相应的规定. 学术单位负责人或其指定人员将首先与导师进行对话, 研究员或教员提醒他们适用的政策, 愿意提供任何必要的帮助,以遵守免费mg不朽情缘试玩的COVID-19缓解战略, 并提醒自己继续不遵守规定将会发生的后果.

如果是讲师, 研究人员或教职员工继续不遵守要求的测试, the academic unit leader will discuss the situation with their Human Resources strategic partner and consult with the vice provost for faculty affairs, 根据需要, 决定如何最好地解决不合规问题. 可能会对讲师、研究员或教职员工施加制裁.

如果是讲师, 研究人员或教职员工坚持拒绝遵守要求的测试, the academic unit leader will again discuss the situation with their Human Resources strategic partner and consult with the vice provost for faculty affairs. 老师, 有问题的研究人员或教员将被除名, 被安排无薪休假,休假期间不得在校内工作. 决定安排指导员, 无薪休假的研究员或教员必须在七天内接受教务咨询委员会小组委员会的审查, 由两名教员和一名行政人员组成,由负责教员事务的副教务长负责. 预期, process and sanctions for graduate students serving as teaching assistants or instructors-of-record will be consistent with Graduate Council policies.

对于全职教师, 研究人员或教职员工, substantial noncompliance may lead to disciplinary action up to and including initiating termination proceedings consistent with 学术 Policy AC70 或者合同终止. 教职员工可以根据学术政策对处罚提出上诉 AC76 或者要求负责教务的副教务长重新审查对他的制裁.

的最新资料 COVID-19检测要求 大学对大流行的持续应对措施可在 virusinfo.事业单位.edu.